A Program that Delves into the Values of “Oneness” and “Diversity”


This year, as part of the Fuji Declaration 9th Anniversary Program, we will conduct a program with you to delve into the two values of “Oneness” and “Diversity” of the Fuji Declaration. In the Fuji Declaration 8th Anniversary Program held on May 21, 2023, you heard three founders and four guest speakers talk about their experiences and values, and answered questions about the two values. In the coming year, we will watch new video interviews and read the answers to your questions in the form of articles, and further deepen the Fuji Declaration way of life together and share it with the world.

Dig into “Oneness” and “Diversity”
First, we will explore oneness with the keyword “energetic cycle” as the axis. For example, if we look at the natural world, there is an ecological system of water, soil, air, and living creatures including human beings, all of which exist in a great cycle, and we can imagine that diverse life forms are circulating on this earth. Also, in society, many services, goods, and people are circulating. When you reconsider the nature and society around you in this way with the keyword “energetic cycle,” doesn’t it give you an image of a closer and more substantial connection between yourself, nature, goods, and people? This time, we would like to delve into the image of oneness that we are striving for, looking at the “Energetic cycle” that is close to each of us and in the areas that we would like to deepen.

Second, we will explore diversity with the keyword “tolerance” as the core. In a society filled with conflicts and strife, how can we each take a step toward a peaceful world where all life is respected? In delving into these questions, I believe we will discover that one of the things our society needs right now is “tolerance. The slightest difference in thinking, or in what we try to protect, can cause conflict among us and even lead to irreparable situations like disputes and wars. This is not something that is a matter for others, but something that is within us and close to us. I do not blame you for your different opinions and values, but rather I ask you how we can coexist to make the world a peaceful place, not good or bad. First of all, by exploring and transforming our own tolerant ways of thinking and acting, starting from within and around us, we can gradually change the world, can’t we? Once again, we will delve into the image of diversity by exploring “tolerance” from our own surroundings.

Two questions about Oneness and Diversity
In response to the following two questions, let us consider that there is tolerance (diversity) and circulation (oneness) around us and within us, and that we are not really divided, as we see it through our feelings, awareness, our own experience, and the energy that exists if we try to see it.

Question 1
What are some examples or events of an energetic cycle (oneness) and tolerance (diversity) that we can see when we try to look at a world that seems to be divided?

Question 2
What can we do now to expand the energetic cycle (oneness) and tolerance (diversity) in our surroundings?

Your answer to the question (message)
Please click here to enter your message in response to the question. We will introduce your message on the Fuji Declaration website as an example of the Fuji Declaration’s way of life.

Input form: https://fujideclaration.org/23f

We hope you will take time to think about this question and answer it. Please consider it from time to time during the year until this coming May, as a theme to deepen your understanding of the oneness and diversity of the Fuji Declaration.

Video interviews and other video clues to the questions.

#Video of the 8th-anniversary program of the Fuji Declaration on May 21, 2023

#Messages from the founders and guest speakers can be found here:

Sesto Castagnoli:  https://fujideclaration.org/interview_oneness_diversity_-part1/

Gabriel Castagnoli:  https://fujideclaration.org/interview_oneness_diversity_part2/

Alan Briskin:  https://fujideclaration.org/interview_oneness_diversity_-part-3/

We will continue to post links to video interviews and other information in this blog.

By: TFD Japan Team

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