Welcome to The Fuji Declaration

The Fuji Declaration is an international alliance of individuals and organizations who are united by a commitment to live and collaborate toward the advancement of a more harmonious and flourishing world.

The Fuji Declaration is an invitation to people from all nations and walks of life to join in a commonality of purpose beyond borders. And most of all, The Fuji Declaration is a call to consciously evolve with each other and with nature to bring that new world into being.

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Get inspired about the future.

A new chapter in the story of humanity is within reach

The mission of the Fuji Declaration is to ignite the full potential of the human spirit in service to humanity and the web of life. By co-evolving with one another and with nature through a network of constructive and coherent relationships, we further the emergence of a more peaceful and sustainable world.

The Fuji Declaration encourages us to collectively write a new chapter about the conscious evolution of the global family.

Read the Fuji Declaration+
Introducing the Fuji Declaration, Igniting the Divine Spark for a Thriving World. The Fuji Declaration aims for Oneness in Diversity.

A Historic International Alliance

In solidarity for a more peaceful and sustainable future

The Fuji Declaration is endorsed by a growing international community of change leaders from many different backgrounds including heads-of-state, Nobel laureates, scientists, artists, authors, teachers, and world peace advocates from all over the world.

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From Soulful Intention to Practical Action

At its foundation, The Fuji Declaration is a set of principles that connects globally-minded individuals and organizations from around the world in a commonality of purpose beyond borders. But more than this, it is also a platform for collaborative learning, action and research.

Transnational Alliance

The Fuji Declaration is an invitation to globally-minded change makers from all the world's traditions and cultures to join together in heart and mind to bring forth a peaceful and thriving world for future generations.

We invite individuals and organizations who share the core principles of The Fuji Declaration to join us by signing the declaration.


Transdisciplinary Research

The Fuji Declaration collects in-depth research and perspectives in multiple spheres of human society - such as economics business, politics and media - and invites the public to engage in the learning and sharing of practical action steps and strategies with our global community.

Building on this research and public engagement, together we can cultivate a culture of peace.

Join Us.

Affirm your commitment to a flourishing world.

Imagine a world where human relations and institutions share a global responsibility to lasting peace on Earth, and to living and acting in ways that enhance the quality of life for all.

If you yearn for a world that reflects the highest potentials of the human spirit, then please – join us.

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9th Anniversary program – video -“Exploring the Divine Spark”

Starting on this 9th anniversary and continuing over the next year, we will engage in a program to look back o […]

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9th Anniversary program – video -“Exploring the Divine Spark”

Starting on this 9th anniversary and continuing over the next year, we will engage in a program to look back o […]

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The Fuji Declaration 9th Anniversary Celebration

The Fuji Declaration was launched in May of 2015 during a grand inauguration ceremony at Fuji Sanctuary. Since […]

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