Transition World partners with The Fuji Declaration for an East West Celebration


At a meeting in Tokyo last June, it was decided that the Launch of Transition World will be celebrated alongside the inauguration of The Fuji Declaration.

Transition world is a catalyzer that brings together people and organizations ready to seize the opportunity for creating a sustainable transition towards a more humane equitable and flourishing world.  The launch event 16 – 17 May is a unique chance to join a powerful international network and become actively engaged in shaping the future. 

During a 2 day conference you will get to meet visionary leaders, frontrunners and change-makers from different walks of life, who are united in the realization that we need to demonstrate extraordinary leadership, and start to collaborate on a whole new level, if we are to be successful in creating viable long-term, workable solutions.

The gala evening 16th of May at the legendary Hamlet’s Castle in Denmark will be a celebration of our ability to connect with likeminded people and organizations across the globe.

When the sun sets behind the castle in Denmark it rises at Mt. Fuji in Japan – and so turning the calendar page to the 17th of May.  At this very moment, the two locations will be connected via live-stream and a worldwide audience will be invited to join us online.

The event is produced by Transition World and Prosperity of the Commons International in collaboration with The Club of Budapest and the Goi Peace Foundation.

To learn more about the program please visit Transition World’s website on:

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By: The Fuji Declaration

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