
The World Thought Leaders Forum, June 6th, 2015

The three initiators of the Fuji Declaration attended Milano Expo 2015 to participate in “The World Thought Leaders Forum” which took place on June 6th in The Pavilion of Hungary.  The forum with the theme, “Caring for People and the Planet: Exploring the New Horizons of a Humane and Sustainable World” opened with a keynote speech made by Dr. Ervin Laszlo followed by a presentation by Mr. & Mrs Saionji titled, “The Fuji Declaration: Igniting the Spark of Solidarity and Oneness on Earth.”  A number of other noteworthy signatories of the Fuji Declaration were presenters at the Forum including Lady Fiona Montagu of Beaulieu, Ferenc Miszlivetz and Michael Tobias among others.


If we could build a critical mass of global citizens and communities living with the ideals of the Fuji Declaration, I believe that we will be on our way to creating a harmonious sustainable new civilization.    –Mrs. Saionji   Quote from Milano Speech

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By: The Fuji Declaration

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