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Love, compassion, nurturing, cooperation, intuition, unity, and peacemaking…
What is most needed in our world today is to revive and activate the undermined feminine values, and to redefine and harmonize the true masculine archetype. Only when we are able to restore balance between the masculine and feminine energies, between the forces of love and power, can we fully ignite the divine spark in the spirit of humanity and open the door to a new era.
Our hope is to inspire and empower every woman and man to bring out their authentic self and share their unique gifts to co-create a new future. In oneness, we can foster a more peaceful and flourishing world for all life—a world that honors deep feminine principles in harmony with the masculine.Read more
Since the Fuji Declaration was officially inaugurated in May 2015, thousands of people from around the world have signed and embraced the declaration, affirming the divine spark in every human being and the essential oneness of all life in its diversity.
As more and more people connect to their sacred consciousness, the time is ripe for these awakening women and men to arise and unite across the globe in order to foster a transformation of global consciousness and co-create a new world that manifests humanity’s full potential.
Activating the Divine Feminine
The great source of life encompasses both the divine masculine and the divine feminine, which need to be balanced within each individual and in society. However, when we look at the world today, we see an imbalance in which feminine qualities are less than prevalent. For thousands of years, human history has been dominated by our masculine expressions, resulting in wars, aggression, competition and the destruction of the natural world. We can say that our systems and practices have long suppressed feminine values such as love, compassion, empathy, nurturing, intuition, cooperation, and peacemaking. It is important that these values are honored and become the guiding force for global survival and evolution at this critical juncture in history.
At the same time, the true power of the masculine must also find expression. As Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic.” The masculine power that rules the present world is too often detached from love and takes the form of violence and aggression, while love is not regarded as a real power to effect any change.
What is most needed in our world today is to revive and activate the undermined feminine values, and to redefine and harmonize the true masculine archetype. Only when we are able to restore balance between the masculine and feminine energies, can we fully ignite the divine spark in the spirit of humanity and open the door to a new era.
As a first step, we need to open our minds and free ourselves of all prejudices and stereotypes—whether they concern gender, cultural, racial, political or religious differences, physical or mental abilities, or social status. And most importantly, we must free ourselves from the prejudice that denies the sacredness of our own life. Only when we look deep inside our hearts and work to rid ourselves of our long-held prejudices and self-limiting beliefs can we forgive and heal our past wounds. Rather than turning our long standing pain into anger, we can reclaim our true dentity and step forward on the path to healing and wholeness.
Our vision is to inspire every woman and man to bring out their authentic self and share their unique gifts to co-create a new future. In oneness, we can foster a more peaceful and flourishing world for all life—a world that honors deep feminine principles in harmony with the masculine.
Today, many individuals and groups calling for the rise of the feminine are emerging in all parts of the world. We believe it is time for all of them to come together to shift the consciousness of humanity.
Masami Saionji invited a group of powerful women visionaries and leaders in Japan to discuss the roles, responsibilities and wisdom women possess in creating a more harmonious and balanced world. Eighteen women came together to share in a mutual desire to explore ways to unfold, empower and harness the highest feminine qualities and principles in both women and men. The Soul of WoMen was born out of the fervent passion and belief that it is time to bring balance back from the love of power to the power of love.
The seeds have now been planted in Japan and it is time to expand this vision out to the world by forming a global network of like minded individuals and organizations. We are not alone in this quest and wish to connect with men and women everywhere who feel moved to say YES to the emerging spirit of divine femininity which pervades in all of us.
Please email us to if you have a problem registering on the map.
To expand on the momentum created during the Global Campaign, Soul of WoMen plan to host and collaborate with our partners. We welcome your ideas and suggestions on how we may enhance our programs to grow as a community and further awaken feminine principles for a better and more balanced world.
Soul of Women Featured Articles
• Celebrating the Second Anniversary of the Fuji Declaration
Soul of WoMen Webinars
Calling men and women in communities around the world to activate the divine feminine for a more balanced world.
Please click here to watch the 7th of May Webinar which was in preparation for the launch and Grand Celebration Event of Soul of WoMen at Fuji Sanctuary, a Webinar was organized on May 7th. It was hosted by singer songwriter James Twyman with guest speakers Dr. Jude Currivan, Dr. Maki Saionji Kawamura and Gary Zukav all of whom participated in the launch at Fuji.
Thank you for joining the Soul of WoMen Global Campaign.
If you said YES to Soul of WoMen or hosted an event, we invite you to take this survey to follow up on the Grand Celebration on May 15, 2016. Your input will help us make a summary of the Campaign and to collect ideas for our future collaboration.
The Soul of WoMen 21 Day Challenge
What is it?
Small consistent actions performed over 21 days can create a significant impact in our personal lives. When these actions are done by groups of people the impact ripples out even further.
We challenge you to take the Soul of Women 21 Day Challenge which will be hosted periodically to delve deeper into the Soul of WoMen theme. The Challenge is an online based activity. Each day you will receive an action prompt, a seed thought, to ponder and reflect upon during the day. You will join a community of participants across the globe as well as have the opportunity to read their inspiring stories and share you own. This is a beautiful community building activity around Soul of Women amplifying the feminine consciousness within all humanity.
Spark Your Spark
Begins: August 1st 2016
We are all born with the divine spark of amazing potential within us. Our societies though bombard us with so much conflicting information and messages that we may feel lost, afraid and small living in this world. The radiant inner spark that we see when we gaze on a new born baby’s face, shining with love, trust and innocence, may feel diminished or even forgotten within ourselves. Yet it remains, always, within us. As Jane Goodall said, “When we regain our spiritual connection with our inner selves, and with Mother Nature, we can achieve our true human potential.” This Spark Your Spark Challenge invites you to discover your highest potential, so that we can all shine each in our own way. Everyday, you’ll receive an action prompt that helps you reconnect with the divine spark within yourself, others and all life and to radiate your love, wisdom, power and compassion in the world.
Zoom Gathering
Reflections on the Spark Your Spark 21-Day Challenge
Soul of WoMen is currently hosting the Spark Your Spark 21-Day Challenge on We are delighted that over 850 people have joined us to take the daily challenge to ignite the spark in each of us and in all life.
On August 22, we will invite challenge participants, and everyone interested, to share reflections and stories from their experiences. Join us for the Zoom gathering to listen to each other’s inspirations and experiences and to share your own!
August 22 (Monday) – 9am (PST) – 12 noon (EST)
Register here to participate.
Upcoming 21 Day Challenges will be announced by email. Please subscribe to our mailing list to receive future announcements.
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Read and Sign the Fuji Declaration
Soul of Women Global Campaign is an initiative of the Fuji Declaration inaugurated in May 2015.
The Fuji Declaration is an international alliance of individuals and organizations who are united by a commitment to live and collaborate toward the advancement of a more harmonious and Flourishing world.
The Fuji Declaration is an invitation to people from all nations and walks of life to join in a commonality of purpose beyond borders. And most of all, the Fuji Declaration is a call to consciously evolve with each other and with nature to bring that new world into being.
Read and sign the Fuji Declaration here
Read messages of support for the Soul of WoMen Global Campaign from members of our community worldwide.
Messages of SupportThe Global Network established through this campaign will be nurtured as a platform for future collaboration and cooperation to further our common vision of a world in harmony and balance. Contact us with your ideas and stay tuned.
The inverted W and M in our logo symbolizes the call for equality and balance between the feminine and masculine forces, the yin and the yang in humanity, nature and all living things. “Women” and “Men” are found interwoven within one word showing how together in harmony the feminine and the masculine create a complete and whole human Soul.
Soul of WoMen supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #5: “Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.”
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富士宣言は、人間の本質である神聖なる意識を復活させ、豊かで調和した世界を築いていこうという、個人と団体がつくりあげた国際的なネットワークです。事務局は、公益財団法人 五井平和財団内にあります。