Fuji Simposio Declaración – Co-crear el futuro de los negocios y la economía


Como seguimiento al Simposio de Tokio en de mayo de 2015, que reunió a cincuenta líderes de opinión internacionales de diversos campos para celebrar el lanzamiento de la Declaración de Fuji, la Fundación Goi para la Paz organizó un segundo simposio el 30 de noviembre de 2015, en las Naciones Unidas Universidad de Tokio, esta vez centrándose en el campo de los negocios y la economía.

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Sra. Lynne Twist, 2015 Premio Goi Peace premio y una recaudación de fondos muy exitosa y filántropo, se unió en el simposio por doce jóvenes líderes japoneses de varias empresas, empresas sociales y las ONG. El propósito del evento fue que los participantes comparten sus prácticas y los problemas personales, y para identificar los problemas globales comunes que tenemos que abordar con el fin de transformar el mundo de los negocios y la economía en línea con los objetivos de la Declaración de Fuji.

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El simposio emplea un método de diálogo transpersonal, la exploración de cuestiones generales y de mente abierta en un grupo pequeño. Una atmósfera de intimidad, la autenticidad y la unidad sentó las bases para aprovechar la sabiduría colectiva del grupo para llegar a soluciones e ideas para la acción.

En sus palabras de bienvenida, el Sr. Hiroo Saionji, Presidente de la Fundación Goi para la Paz, hizo hincapié en la importancia de aplicar los principios de la Declaración de Fuji en nuestra vida cotidiana y en todos los campos de la actividad humana, incluyendo los negocios y la economía.


En la primera sesión del simposio, se pidió a los participantes que compartan sus historias de cómo llegaron en contacto con su chispa divina, y cómo ese cambio interior transformaron sus vidas.

Para ajustar el tono, la Sra. Lynne torcedura señaló que la conexión con nuestra chispa divina es la experiencia más importante y transpersonal un ser humano puede tener. De esa conexión profunda, dijo, todo es posible. En su propio viaje, la Sra torcedura dio cuenta de que su hambre interior para dar sentido a su vida cesó el momento en que encontró a su verdadero propósito en la vida: terminar con el hambre y el hambre en el mundo. Profundamente inspirado por la Madre Teresa, que era un recaudador de fondos dotados y genuina, levantó más de 200 millones de dólares en el transcurso de su mandato de 20 años para ayudar a hambre en el mundo.

Otro encuentro con la chispa divina trajo Sra giro a la selva tropical del Amazonas, donde se involucró con los indígenas locales, que le enseñó a volver a conectar con el poder sagrado y exquisito del mundo natural. Ella co-fundó la Alianza Pachamama, una organización de beneficio social «, cuya misión es capacitar a los indígenas de la selva amazónica para preservar sus tierras y su cultura, y para educar e inspirar a las personas de todo el mundo para dar a luz un mundo próspero y sostenible.

La Sra torcedura hizo hincapié en que nos hemos olvidado de que la economía es un subconjunto de ecología, y que hemos puesto por error la ecología en el servicio a la economía. Esta concepción errónea ha tenido efectos muy nocivos sobre nuestra relación con la naturaleza y toda la vida en la Tierra. Por lo tanto, dijo, es crucial para la supervivencia humana que restaurar la relación original entre ecología y economía.

Otros participantes continuaron la sesión con sus propias historias personales.


In the second session of the symposium, participants took some time to write about personal challenges and obstacles they have come across in their work.

Ms. Twist shared her challenges related to the latest terrorist attacks in Paris and the current refugee crisis, and the resulting widespread prejudice against Muslims in general. She advocated that Islam is a peaceful religion, which unfortunately has been hijacked, misinterpreted and misused by radicals. She pointed out that COP21 in Paris would be a significant opportunity for national leaders to shift their mindset and policies from a climate of fear to a climate of love. Atmospheric climate change and the climate of our thinking are interrelated, she remarked.

Inspired and moved by Ms. Twist’s personal story and insights, participants shared their own personal challenges in small groups, and explored whether there might be a common thread in their stories that could be attributed to a larger problem faced by humanity as a whole. The group discussions were then consolidated, and the following question was identified as representative of a challenge common to the whole group and to humanity in general:

How can we transform our fear and dualistic thinking of good and evil to create new systems that are aligned with our humanity and life? How can we set a course toward it?


In the third session of the symposium, participants reflected on how they might respond to the common question identified earlier, and made personal commitments to take actions in their lives and work. These commitments included the following:

  • To develop activities that would help people overcome their fears about death.
  • To promote the ‘Awakening the Dreamer’ program, which empowers people to transform society through love.
  • To promote cultural exchanges with a focus on finding commonality rather than differences.
  • To develop a ‘Book Fund’ as a new business model to support writers.
  • To include the development of empathy and trust in my leadership training programs.
  • To encourage curiosity in our society as a way to strengthen connections and dissolve separation between people.
  • To include topics of essential humanity in gatherings of political and business leaders and foster a trust-based community among these leaders.
  • To create more space for people to come together and connect at heart-level and inspire one another.
  • To offer projects through my company that help clients fulfill their dreams and aspirations.
  • To support collective conscious evolution through my coaching and child-rearing programs.
  • To continue my studies to scientifically prove the oneness of all life.

PFuji Declaration Symposium2articipants agreed that all of these actions would contribute to creating a more just and sustainable future. They concluded the session by noting that connecting to our deepest humanity is the first step in building an economy in service to all people and all nature, and that fostering a community of like-minded people for mutual support is of great importance.

In her closing remarks, Ms. Twist praised the other participants for their strong commitment and dedication. She stressed that the problems and crises that we face today are very large and complex, but they are not insurmountable. The opportunities of our age, she said, are greater than the crises we are facing. Challenges and crises force us to work together and move to the next stage in our evolution, and this is a great blessing. She also encouraged all participants to stay connected and build on the community that was started at this symposium.

Mrs. Masami Saionji, Chairperson of the Goi Peace Foundation, commented that the participants’ profound discussions at the symposium are the best proof that the divine spark is working through us to create a peaceful and prosperous world. To be in service to something greater than ourselves, she said, is what life is all about. She stressed that we are all divine sparks who are meant to reach out, to give, and to be generous. Our divine spark has no limit, and there is nothing we cannot do. It is up to us, she remarked, whether we limit ourselves or whether we allow ourselves to become infinitely expansive.

As the half-day symposium came to a close, the venue was filled with an energy of connectivity, from which each participant renewed their resolve to co-create a better future for all.

By: The Fuji Declaration

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